



Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering conducted its Association function on 3rd November 2016 Thursday, at 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm in the college seminar hall. The program began with a prayer by students, followed by the welcome address of Principal Dr. A Subramanain, who welcomed the gathering, and said that, ‘Today marks the beginning of a new initiative’- the inauguration of Electrical department Association ‘. He also welcomed the chief guest Dr. C A Babu, former HOD, Dept of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, CUSAT. Adding to this the Principal spoke on the importance Electrical and its various job opportunities in global economy. Ms. Anitha George, HOD of the Electrical department, proceeded to introduce the Chief Guest, and also introduced the Chairman and the functioning of the Department for this current academic year.


The Chief Guest of the day, Dr. C A Babu observed: ‘ the importance of Electrical Safety is the need of any organization and at-most care should be taken while implementing an electrical network’. Expanding on the current projects being done using the standard codes, he spoke on “Projects and accessories coming under the code and its necessity”. The chief guest distributed photocopies of the lecture notes to the gathering. There was also representation from other departments and students and faculties had a very good session on Electrical safety.

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